Drone roosevelt3 crop

Contact Us

Contact Information

Klauer Manufacturing Company

1185 Roosevelt Ext.
Dubuque, Iowa
563 – 582-7201

Contact a Sales Rep in Your Area

Kevin Meyer: (605) 3050120 meyerkg@​klauer.​com

Western Region Sales Manager

Rebecca Nauman-Bailey: (563) 5999661 rebeccanb@​klauer.​com

Central Region Sales Manager

Jim Cooley: (573) 8647678 jlcooley@​aol.​com

Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma 

Tim Hatcher: (563) 5996133 hatcherct@​klauer.​com

Iowa, Wisconsin

Kevin Goebel: (763) 4424261 goebelk@​klauer.​com

Minnesota, southeastern South Dakota, northwestern Iowa

Shane Frank: (605) 3212139 frankls@​klauer.​com

North Dakota, South Dakota, northwestern Minnesota

Ben Rodriguez: (210) 5296491 brodriguez@​klauer.​com

Texas, Louisiana

Mike Lookenott: (404) 3729959) mikel@​diligentreps.​com

North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

Bill Wilsch: (720) 6723999 wilschwj@​klauer.​com

Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming

Ryan Swan: (406) 6562615 swanrk@​klauer.​com

Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, northern Wyoming

Be a Part of the Klauer Team

We believe in enabling our customers to win through the quality, consistency, and predictability of everything we do, while providing a safe and family-oriented working environment for all.